Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discuss the Biological Approach in Psychology Essay

Discuss the biological approach in psychology. Refer to at least one other approach in your answer. (12 marks) The biological approach focuses on both the physiological and evolutionary aspects which explain human behaviour. The causal level of analysis incorporates physiological explanations, such as the effect of nerves and hormones on behaviour. According to biological psychologists, behaviour is controlled by the nervous system, which consists of the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (the surrounding nerves), which itself includes the autonomic nervous system that controls automatic processes such as heart rate and the fight or flight syndrome. Within the central nervous system, neurons communicate with each other via sending chemical impulses, neurotransmitters, across synapses. Biopsychologists believe that these chemical processes in the brain directly influence human behaviour. Too much or too little of these chemicals ca n result in over-activity or under-activity in various parts of the brain; this alters thoughts, emotions and behaviour. For example, a link has been made between excessive dopaminergic activity in the brain and the incidence of schizophrenia. Pearlson et al (1993) used Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans and found a substantial increase in D2 receptors in patients with schizophrenia. Seeman et al (1993) also used PET scans, finding six times the density of D4 receptors in the brains of schizophrenic individuals. A limitation of such studies is the idea of cause and effect; for example, it is unclear whether the increase in dopamine receptors causes schizophrenia or is a result of the neuroleptic drugs taken. Yet, Pearlson’s study was carried out on individuals who had not been exposed to neuroleptic drugs, which therefore rules out cause and effect. Neuroimaging studies are able to study the structure and functioning of the brain, and have the advantage of being non-invasive. Researchers have shown how behaviour can be affected by different levels of sex hormones, for example increased tes tosterone has been linked to aggression and increased risk-taking. In forensic psychology, Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality suggested that individuals who offend are high on the extroversion dimension and seek constant stimulation and autonomic arousal from their environment. These individuals are also said to be high on the neuroticism dimension, with high anxiety levels and an emotionally unstable central nervous system. Their nervous system reacts strongly to aversive stimuli and, as a result, these individuals cannot effectively learn socially appropriate behaviours. Eysenck’s theory is criticised for inconsistencies between criminal activity and extroversion. Zuckerman (1969) also argued that environmental stimulation may be sought as a result of boredom, where there is increased arousal. Behaviourists also emphasise the role of the environment as a determining factor of behaviour in the nature versus nurture debate. The behaviourist approach states that all individuals are born with ‘blank slates’ (tabula rasa), with behaviour being learnt through the process of conditioning, past experiences and the environment. With reference to the forensic psychology topic, neo-behaviourists argue that criminal behaviour is learnt by observing and imitating the behaviour of role models in the environment, e.g. peers, celebrities, novel characters. The imitation of aggressive behaviour is most clearly shown in studies conducted by Bandura et al (1963), in which children who observed models performing aggressive acts on a Bobo doll later displayed this same behaviour. However this experiment is criticised for being open to demand characteristics so the children knew what was expected of them, which confounded the results (Cumberbatch, 1992). In contrast, the functional level of analysis focuses on evolutionary and genetic theories of behaviour. In the 1800s, Charles Darwin postulated the evolutionary theory which put forward the idea of survival and reproduction as an important feature of behaviour in all species. In what he called the ‘survival of the fittest’, Darwin suggested that through th e process of natural selection animals with particular characteristics, as a result of possessing advantageous alleles, will survive. However, those with maladaptive genes cannot adapt to changes in environmental conditions, so will die or become extinct. Dowling (1994) stated that this process depends on three principles: species diversity, interaction and the spread of a species as a result of differential amplification. Sexual selection is another component of Darwin’s research, which explains the best strategies adopted for passing on genes to offspring. Moreover, there are problems with Darwin’s theory such as his attempts to generalise animal behaviour to the way in which humans interact in their environment. However, he has presented compelling evidence which is very scientific in its approach and methodology. Furthermore, contrary to Darwin’s evolutionary idea of survival of an individual, Dawkins (1976) suggested that the survival of the genes is more important. Schizophrenia twin studies have found a 46% concordance rate for monozygotic twins compared with a 14% concordance for dizygo tic twins. This high concordance suggests the contribution of genotype to the onset of schizophrenia, yet the 40% discordancy indicates that environment must play a role in the development of this condition. Moreover, localisation of function explains how different parts of the brain have particular functions; for example, the amygdala has been linked to aggression. A more famous example is the HM case study, in which an operation on his brain, in order to treat severe epilepsy, resulted in anterograde amnesia. The removal of HM’s hippocampus was therefore linked to his amnesia upon recovery, where he could not form new memories. Chromosomes are made up of genes which produce a phenotype, dominant or recessive. Abnormalities in chromosomes have been found through biological research. For example, Kleinfelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome both comprise an atypical chromosomal pattern which, in turn, produces abnormal behaviour. Male individuals with Kleinfelter’s syndrome have the XXY chromosomal pattern, in which they possess an extra X chromosome; symptoms include broader hips and reduced fertility rates. Turner’s syndrome involves the absence of an X chromosome in females, resulting in webbed necks and memory deficits. Furthermore, criminal research has found an incidence rate of 0.1% XYY pattern in the ge neral population, with 1.5% XYY in the prison population, suggesting that atypical chromosomal patterns cause criminal behaviour. Yet, further studies have failed to confirm this link; Wilkin et al (1976) found that only 12 men in a large sample of 4500 males had the extra Y chromosome, with none being an offender. This theory was consequently refuted. The biological approach as provided a lot of evidence for the biological basis of behaviour, yet it tends to be deterministic, seeing free will as an illusion. The humanistic approach, however, believes that we are active agents and able to choose our behaviour. In addition, the biological approach is reductionist and dehumanising as it reduces all behaviour to biological processes, such as genes and neurochemicals. In contrast, both the humanistic and psychodynamic approaches are holistic to some extent. The humanistic approach emphasises the whole person and whole subjective experience, whilst the psychodynamic approach concentrates on the individual’s life. A method used in much of biological research is the use of laboratory studies. These are high in control, yet lack ecological validity as the findings cannot be generalised outside such a controlled environment. Similar to the biological approach, the behaviourist approach uses scientific methods which are falsifiable and objective. For example, operant conditioning was studied by Skinner in a series of experiments with rats who, when by chance, pressed a lever received a pellet of food. Through positive reinforcement, they continued to press the lever in order to increase the likelihood of the desired response being repeated (receiving food). However, the use of animal studies means that findings may lack generalisability to human behaviour; although, Darwin would disagree as human and animal anatomy and behaviour are seen as similar. Debates that arise in biological research include the concept of determinism. This is shown in biological research as free will is often ignored and consequences are seen as beyond human control. Biological theories are reductionist as they attempt to explain human behaviour by breaking complex processes down into fundamental biological ones. This approach is criticised for focusing only on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate; it is believed that behaviour is innate and therefore environmental factors and cognitive mediating processes are ignored. Furthermore, the biological approach is nomothetic as the features that people have in common are investigated and general laws of behaviour are applied to groups. Empirical studies are mainly objective as they observe phenomena rather than focusing on subjective experiences, like behaviourists tend to do. Yet this is also a limitation as it is argued that biopsychologists dehumanise and neglect the importance of experiences. Humanistic psychologists argue that the subjective experience is important as we are motivated to achieve self-actualisation (Maslow, 1987). Practical applications of the biological approach have been useful and effective in society. Drug therapy has been developed in order to treat illnesses and disorders, such as schizophrenia. Anti-psychotic drugs include risperidone, clozapine and chlorpromazine. Atypical drugs, clozapine and risperidone, also treat negative symptoms of schizophrenia. For depression, drugs include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) and Tricyclic anti-depressants. Bipolar disorder can be treated with Lithium Carbonate, which is toxic but, unlike the drugs for unipolar depression, they treat the manic phases of the disorder also. Where drug therapy may not work in specific cases, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used; as this involves inducing an electric shock on the patient’s brain this therapy can be seen as unethical, especially in cases where this treatment is given against a patient’s wishes. However, it is still used today and has proven to be effective. Drug therapy itself has been criticised for only prevention and not curing symptoms. Side effects, such as clozapine lowering the white blood count, and the long period it takes for an effect can both result in a lower adherence to this particular treatment so relapse is common. A problem arises when schizophrenic patients may discontinue use due to the side effects and long time to feel any effect. Invasive and non-invasive techniques are used to identify which brain areas may responsible for types of behaviour. Using invasive techniques, such as lesions and abrasions in brain surgery, biological psychologists have identified Broca’s area which controls the production of speech. In contrast, behaviourists tend to use cognitive-behavioural therapy for illnesses and disorders, such as depression, which has been found to be more effective than medication (Elkin et al, 1985). In conclusion, the biological approach has contributed a huge amount to how we explain human behaviour. There has been much empirical research and the applications have enabled individuals to live normal lives that they had previously not been able to. However it is more advisable to take an interactionist approach as the role of nurture must be considered where behaviour is concerned.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brand Recognition and Brand Loyalty

Brand Recognition in relation to Brand Loyalty Introduction â€Å"Brands are the most valuable intangible asset for companies† claims Bayu Sutikno of the University of Gadjah Mada in Indonesia (2011, p. 319). The world is filled with brands and everyone is trying to portray a message. It is the job of the consumer to decide what brand they prefer and what brand they do not care for. Likewise it is the job of the marketer to persuade the behavior of the 7 billion consumers in the world everyday.Out of that persuasion, marketers create a following of such brands, which results in brand loyalty in the end resulting in profitability for the producers and satisfaction for the consumer. The Design The design of the brand is the first aspect a consumer will recognize. Consumers are trained to look for details in brands and the products produced and consciously, and more often unconsciously, make inferences about a brand and/or product presented (Karjalainen and Snelders, 2010, p. 7). There are two main ideas behind the design of a brand, the values it portrays and the physical layout that is presented.The values portion is most important because it creates connection with the consumer but physical looks can attract new consumers before they can infer said values of a brand. Values can be noticeable as simply as in the brand logo or more difficult what a brand stands for on an emotional level. One example of values represented in the brand slogan is that of Caterpillar, the heavy equipment manufacturer and their newly developed clothing and apparel line. Karjalainen and Snelders, authors of â€Å"Designing Visual Recognition for the Brand,† explain Caterpillar’s slogan, â€Å"Industry leading comfort and performance† (2010, p. ). From their boots to t-shirts to trucks and loaders, they focus on creating comfort for the consumer. For example, in the boots, they add soft insoles and added insulation and then to the equipment, they created soft interiors with noise and dust preventative measures (2010, p. 6). Just through their slogan, they communicate with people that their brand is going to be the most comfortable and then they back it up by taking measures to incorporate those values into their products. Communication of such values is best done the physical layout and representation of the brand.The Volvo and Nokia case, described by Karjalainen and Snelders, highlights the importance of implicit and explicit features of brands and products. Implicit features are the features that are subtle and not always stand out to the consumer but can have an unconscious effect of delight or disgust. While on the other hand, explicit features are the major features that are visually appealing or unappealing to the consumer. They emphasize the importance that lead products that are going to be the representation of your brand must focus on the features and the features must to tied to the values you aim to achieve (2010, p. ). Tin a Lowrey’s article, â€Å"The Relationship between Script Complexity and Commercial Memorability,† concurs and differs with the same ideas as Karjalainen and Snelders. Lowrey states that if a message is too complex the consumer will not be able to recall all the features and thus most likely forget the product. But if the message is simple then consumers can recall products easier (Lowrey 2006, p. 8). . Also she states that the use of single/limited words then consumer can better associate brands and images (Lowrey 2006, p. 8).The Self Cornwall’s, et al. , article, â€Å"Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: The Role of Articulation in Memory† mentions the role of sponsorship in NASCAR and how they use brands such as â€Å"Texaco† who would be closely associated with racing, but they also use brands such as â€Å"Cheerios,† who has nothing to do with racing cars (2006, p. 312). But through sponsoship, many people see these brands and the imagery cre ates links in the consumers mind. As Corwall, et al. , goes on to explains that it is the role of the marketer to create connections

Monday, July 29, 2019

Risk Management Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Management Process - Research Paper Example Hazards are identified and through proper management control power and resources are conserved (Kendrick, 2009). Projects being undertaken possess different risks and therefore project manager must understand every detail of the project and outcomes expected to ensure that the project does not fail. Understanding of requirements of the project will ensure that proper strategies are formulated and resources used efficiently to avoid uncertain risks (Loosemore & Raftery, 2006). Risk management process involves detail stages which are used to enable understanding and creating correctional measures that can be used to avoid risks. Therefore before undertaking any activity there is a need to know every project risk before selecting and implementing a project (Hillson, & Simon, 2007). Role of Risk Management in Overall Project Management Risk management is done by all stakeholders involved in the project. Safety and health of employees is to be maintained for the success of the project. Th is is through providing information and training to workers and preventing occupational risks. It is important in identifying risks and putting in place appropriate measures to ensure that the project delivers as per the goal (Hillson, & Simon, 2007). Means of implementing measures are also made so that a project is run with a detailed understanding of what it demands at every face. Ensuring that perceived risks do not occur is a role of management hence ensures that they control the process through evaluation of completed stages and comparing them with set objectives and chances of risking the project. The assessment is needed to understand cause of the problem and if it can be corrected with appropriate measures (Belbin, 1981). Risk Management Process Cycle within a Company Several steps are undertaken before venturing into selection and implementation of projects. First, hazards are identified by determining perceived source of problem. This could be from inside or outside the or ganizations. It can be done through use of available objectives, scenario-based where events that can cause risks are examined. Second stage is assessing the hazards (Kendrick, 2009). This is through both qualitative and quantitative methods. The purpose of this stage is to determine the probability of the risk happening, estimate severity. Risk level is determined for each hazard identified. Focus is on how the risk can be eliminated. Third stage is deciding on preventive action. These are measures that will be used to eliminate or control the risks (Loosemore & Raftery, 2006). Tacking action is the fourth stage where preventive measures are put into place by prioritizing of what is essential. It also involves assigning individuals tasks when and how to do them to avoid the risks. The final stage is monitoring and reviewing the assessment time to time is necessary so as to understand what was left out and if every specification is being followed (Belbin, 1981). Risk Management Acti vities throughout the Project Life Cycle Several activities are undertaken during risk management process. Managers plan how various risks will be managed including how every task is assigned, roles of employees and the cost budget. Giving an account of planned and faced risks is also an activity done to determine extent of effort spent and effectiveness of the measures used. Plans for mitigation are prepared describing what will be done, when, how and by whom in the project hence minimizing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Plan - Keep My Heart Adult Medical Day Care, Part 2 Essay

Business Plan - Keep My Heart Adult Medical Day Care, Part 2 - Essay Example market segment in line with its fundamental objectives of providing customized day care services, as well as medical care for Alzheimer’s elderly patients. Whereas the US rank among the most populated counties in the world, its healthcare index indicates that aging is a major factor of public health concern. Accordingly, about 14% of the population are facing health problems associated with dementia and aging. Out of these, more that 5.3million have been diagnosed with various forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease (Adelman & Daly, 2005). Despite the fact that a significant proportion of the elderly population in America is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, the government has not instituted proper systems to address their needs. In addition, the existing healthcare facilities are less concerned with the challenges affecting the ailing aged population of the US community as observed by Wheeler (2009). To that end, it is rather a noble course to redefine this segment of the healthcare market. Taking into account the overwhelming realities of neglect and poor medical care for the elderly, Keep My Heart Adult Medical Day Care has singled out two specific segments of this market. The first segment refers to the elderly population suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and any other traumatic brain injuries. Ideally, this segment comprises persons aged 55 years and above most of whom have retired and are in their 60s. They will need professional attention and daily social health care to add value to their lives. The second segment relates to elderly persons suffering from other forms dementia other than Alzheimer’s disease. At this point, Keep My heart Adult Medical Day Care is interested in elderly patients who are not sick enough to live in nursing homes. As such, the proposed business venture will offer comfortable ambience for this segment thereby providing basic day care services for the ailing adults. Among other

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Engineering Management Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Engineering Management Project - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the mission statement would be to continuously progression through dedication and innovation to the achievement of excellence. The second coffee is committed to delivering the best coffee experience. Based on these vision and mission statement the possibilities of success of the coffee are high. This paper declares that post establishment success would be governed by the way the coffee shop management is involved in the decision making. Decision making is very essential as a wrong decision would result in a poor reflection of the coffee shop management. The success of the decision-making process would be governed by a proper decision-making process. The decision-making process would first begin by identifying the underlying problem. For instance, the coffee shop may be faced with a problem of retaining its customers. Therefore, a decision would require to be made to correct this problem. Vital to note is that decisions are not made randomly, they occur as a result of trying to address a particular problem. Once such a problem is identified the management would, therefore, be required to gather information. Information gathering may be through the use of questionnaires and interview process. The Delphi technique is a method that would be recommended in the coffees shop in the gathering of information from respondents in the field of expertise. This technique is used as a group communication whereby the parties try to get convergence in their opinions regarding a real world problem and issue.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparsion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparsion - Term Paper Example â€Å"Trifles† analyzes the dark shades underlying the married life of John and Minnie Wright and the attitude of Henderson, Hale and Peters to Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale. Torvald’s attitude towards Nora in â€Å"A Doll’s House† resembles the men’s attitude towards the women in â€Å"Trifles† and gender assumptions contribute to the conflict in the two plays. Torvald’s attitude towards Nora is that of the benevolent patriarch. She is his â€Å"little lark,† â€Å"squirrel,† and â€Å"little featherhead!† (Ibsen, Act I). He considers her to be a â€Å"helpless little mortal† (Act II), who is so lacking in sense that she cannot even take care of her teeth: he forbids her to eat macaroons. He expects obedience from her and complacently responds â€Å"No, I am sure of that,† when Nora declares â€Å"I should not think of going against your wishes† (I). Nora is a child, who needs to be guided and wat ched over. When he catches her in a little lie, he actually â€Å"Shakes his finger at her† in admonishment (I). He agrees with Nora when she says, â€Å"Everything I think of seems so silly and insignificant† (I). He takes great pleasure in criticizing and correcting her dance. Torvald attitude is very sanctimonious. When Nora says, â€Å"Everything you do is quite right, Torvald,† he replies, â€Å"Now my little skylark is speaking reasonably† (III). Her criticism of his attitude towards Krogstad as â€Å"narrow-minded,† inflames him and he deliberately dismisses Krogstad immediately. He treats Nora as a â€Å"doll-wife† (III) whose priority is to amuse him with tricks of â€Å"dancing and dressing-up and reciting† (I). Torvald criticizes her money-sense by saying, â€Å"That is like a woman† (I). Torvald treats Nora as a parent would an indulged, irresponsible and helpless child. Torvald’s attitude toward his wife is reflected in the attitude of the men towards the women in â€Å"Trifles.† The men are extremely condescending in their treatment of Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale in the play. When Minnie Wright’s concern over her preserves is aired, Henderson declares that â€Å"women are used to worrying about trifles† (Glaspell, 9). Likewise, â€Å"the men laugh† (17) at their preoccupation with Minnie’s work on her patchwork quilt. The question as to whether Minnie intended â€Å"to quilt it or just knot it† becomes a recurring joke which has connotations of masculine superiority and amused tolerance. The men are prepared to indulge the women in their little worries and Henderson figuratively gives them a sanctimonious pat on the back with his â€Å"what would we do without the ladies?† (9). The men ignore the kitchen in their search for evidence, with the Sheriff dismissing it â€Å"as nothing here but kitchen things† (8). The implication is th at the kitchen is the woman’s domain and, as such, does not deserve to be given much importance. A woman’s duty is as a housekeeper and she is expected to keep a spick and span house. The men are aware that their indulgent attitude towards the perceived fragility and insignificance of women will be mirrored by the jury: Henderson points out â€Å"But you know juries when it comes to women† (28). In line with his refusal to take the women seriously, Henderson does not bother to check the things carried out by the women. The vast disconnect between male assumptions and the reality of women directly

Returning to school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Returning to school - Essay Example However, this year was different. This year was the tenth anniversary of high school for our batch and a reunion had been planned in accordance with the school tradition. I was excited several days in advance for this event. The anticipation of meeting old friends and colleagues, most of whom I had lost touch with, added to the excitement. Finally the day came and I left for my school. Special arrangements were made by the school for our stay. We were greeted with music and flowers. Many of my colleagues had arrived with their spouses. I was still unmarried and single. I could have a glance at my school crushes. It was amazing to see the transformation in the people in ten years. Some so called dumb people had become millionaires and billionaires while some of the smartest guys were leading mediocre lives. A few of my colleagues had become mothers and fathers of two while the others were still taking their chances at the party. Some had become partly bald while the others were seen with a pot belly. It was heart-warming to meet old teachers who were still there. We could recognize them easily while they found it hard to do so. All of us were served a delicious dinner and drinks. Thereafter, we went on the dance floor and made a lot of fun. We took contact numbers of each other and promised to be in touch. We waved good bye to each other with heavy hearts. Returning to school after 10 years was just an amazing experience. It made me realize how far I have come in life and what has been left behind. We would plan such reunions in the future as well and try to relive the good old

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Recruiting, Selection, and Training Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Recruiting, Selection, and Training - Assignment Example The numerous efforts which have been undertaken by the organisation have provided a good organisational culture which can attract individuals into working for the organisation. Recruitment can be defined as the process of continuously attracting individuals with essential skills, qualifications and desire to make applications for jobs within an organisation. Recruitment process remains one of the fundamental human resource services which seek to ensure the organisation gets the required human capital for performing various functions which the organisations deems essential. Effective recruitment process remains a significant determinant of the quality and skills which employees within the organisation have. During the recruitment process, the organisation must seek to match the organisational requirements. The aspects of recruitment is necessitated by the increasing change in the requirement of human capital within organisations. Before organisations can engage in the recruitment process, a careful analysis of the labour needs, within the organisation remains essential. This enables the stakeholders to estimate the labour needs of the organisation and adopt effective recruitment procedures. Within the organisational structure of Sheraton, the recruitment process is undertaken based on the human capital requirements established by the organisation. The elements which are considered include the skills and experience of the individuals required, in order to undertake the responsibilities effective. Consideration of these factors result in the adoption of a recruitment process, which could either be internal or external recruitment. Internal recruitment refers to the recruitment of an individual from within the organisations. This is commonly undertaken for many of the managerial posts which become vacant. The top management

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Case of Raleigh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Case of Raleigh - Essay Example The company evidently as its humble beginning started from nothing to something. However, Raleigh was able to survive tough times due to its implementation of competitive strategies. It was able to survive the Great Depression due to its introduction of value-for-money products. Not only that, even if in between 1950 and 1962, Raleigh was still able to consider a competitive strategy which involved focusing on bicycle sales. Focus is a generic strategy which was then applied to Raleigh. This strategy particularly includes concentrating on a certain segment of product line that at some point would benefit the entire organisation in reaching its competitive advantage in the international market (Porter, 1998). By then, Raleigh started to acquire other rival groups in order to dominate in the market and then it started to expand overseas where there were potential for its product offerings. Not only that, Raleigh was good at ensuring promotion of its product line by sponsoring road raci ng team in Europe. Raleigh survived as it continuously obtained subsidiaries which in 2005 came to be around six in all, which include Derby Cycle Werke, Raleigh America, Raleigh Canada, Raleigh Taiwan, Raleigh UK Limited, and Raleigh International. This simply shows how marketing at Raleigh has become more complex as it continues to expand in the international market. 1.1 Q1 1.1.1 Marketing issue... 1.1 Q1 1.1.1 Marketing issue Marketing today is about creating a need or demand for certain product or service offerings and various firms are actually good at doing this for this is an essential step in order for a certain business to survive (Boone and Kurtz, 2006; Kotler et al., 1999). Although the basic idea of marketing is about meeting the needs of the customers, firms actually have significant influence in order to create a need for their service or product offerings. Raleigh was good at doing this stuff. In fact, its ability to create a significant sale amidst tough economic times just proved that it was essentially good at creating a need for its product offerings. 1.1.2 Keegan’s approaches to the study of culture However, modern marketing tries to integrate the idea of understanding the entire market and its prevailing language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions which are dynamic variables that are integral components of culture (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007). Keegan (1989) had different approaches in the study of culture and these include anthropological approach, Maslow’s approach, the Self-Reference Criterion, diffusion theory, high and low context cultures and perception. In the case of Raleigh, all of these can possibly be applied, but on a general or universal context, it is much applicable to use the Maslow’s approach which is entirely about understanding the hierarchy of needs. Modern marketing after all, is about understanding the needs of the customers and even trying to create them on the part of the firm (Kotler et al., 1999; Boone and Kurtz, 2006). Thus, the decision to standardised or adapt a customised approach

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Negotiations (Lansa and Newco Case) Essay

International Negotiations (Lansa and Newco Case) - Essay Example The government partially regulates Lansa (Brett 33). The Argentine Ministro de Industria Tecnologica serves on the Board of Directors. Lansa’s headquarters is in the outskirts of Buenos Aires; however, all the manufacturing and distribution comes out of Mexico. Newco’s CEO, Mr. Abercrombie, has the mandate to expand into South America with a new product line called â€Å"infomatrix†. Infomatrix is a remarkable telemetry unit that facilitates voice and data communication between all types of vehicles such as automobiles, boats, helicopters. Since Newco had previously approached Lansa at an international Telecommunication convention in London, Newco’s CEO decides to try again. On the other hand, Lansa is doing well. The CEO, Mr. Lopez, has also heard about infomatrix. He decides to approach Newco having seen that a joint venture can further boost the success of his company (Rubin 14). Objectives Newco’s objective aims at raising the value of the stock . Their main concern is to get a written document that would permit public disclosure. Lansa’s concern is dealing with an American company. It believes it has something to offer and its willingness to carry what it can understanding (Rubin 45). Lansa would also like to have a document in writing that would permit public disclosure. Mr. Arricoitxea thinks of securing an office in the upcoming elections and the company’s success would be a significant boost during his campaign. Both Newco and Lansa are aiming at taking advantage of NAFTA. Considerations Mr. Abercrombie sends a five man advanced team to Mexico upon request from Mr. Lopez. The negotiation advanced team comprises a representative of the corporate managers who is the lead negotiator, a corporate lawyer, a market analyst, a telecommunication engineer and a representative of the corporate shareholders. The representative of corporate managers brings in and supports the ideas and proposals of the corporate mana gers. By representing the interests of the corporate managers, he is in the best position to lead the negotiating team (Rubin 56). The corporate lawyer will ensure that all the transactions made are legally binding within the law. His knowledge in corporate law will be a key factor to be used during the negotiations. The market analyst can assess the viability of the market for the product. He analyzes the market price and other economic aspects that will help determine if the product will succeed in the proposed market. He will be able to convince the Lansa Company that the product will succeed in their market (Thomson 77). The telecommunication engineer becomes equipped to give any details with regards to the infomatrix. His knowledge of the product will be extremely useful in negotiating for the importance of infomatrix in the market. The representative of the shareholders will be able to back the other negotiators in his team during negotiations since he is representing the inte rests of the corporate shareholders. The main players in the international negotiations are Newco and Lansa. Newco has a new product, â€Å"infomatrix† that could enable them to expand to the South American market and hence further increase its profitability in the future. Lansa believes that a joint venture with Newco could further boost its success in

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Two Party System Essay Example for Free

The Two Party System Essay What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two-party system in the UK? The two- party system is not a new practice in British politics. Britain has been living under a two party system since the mid-seventeenth Century. However, this system is still a foundation of most ideas of British politics. Other than America, Britain is one of the only major countries that have a two party system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this system? Is Britain afraid to change its system? If this system has been around for so long, it is because it has many advantages. First of all, the system advantages big parties with more seats. When a party wins an election, whether he has won by a majority or not, he gets a majority of seats. For example, when Labour won in 1997, they got 60% of the seats, although they had not won the election by a majority. This advantages the party because more seats mean more power and they can then impose their ideas on other parties and always be sure to pass legislation. This leads to our second advantage; a stronger executive. With this majority of seats, the party can, as we said before, pass on their laws easily, but also resist ministers. This advantages the voter as he is sure that the party he voted for will be making the law. For example, if Mr. Smith voted for Labour in the 1997 elections, then he is obviously in favour of their ideas and laws. So, when they make new decisions when they are in power, Mr. Smith is likely to be in favour of them, and so has a better chance of having the legislation passed. The voter is therefore privileged. Another advantage is that the voter has a clear choice. Because there is only one party elected, the elector can follow what the party is doing, i.e. whether it is keeping its promises or not. If the party does not do what it promised it would, then the voter can then hold it responsible at the next election. And because there is no coalition in British Government, then only one party can be responsible. For example: Lets say Conservatives promise during their campaign to make sensible decisions during conflicts. Then comes a conflict between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Conservatives, now in power, decide to bomb Northern Ireland. Because of this, the conflict becomes much harsher which leads to a war between Britain and Northern Ireland. The voter is then aware of the mistake Conservatives have made, and therefore can dismiss Conservatives at the next election. Although the two party system has these advantages, it seems to have more disadvantages. First of all, voters have a very limited choice when it comes to elections. In Britain there are various parties, but only two have been in power until now: Labour and Conservatives. Therefore, the voter seems to be obligated to choose between one and the other. And since they are opposites, they have completely different views. Its black or white. There is the party of Liberal Democrats, but the number of people voting for them is too little to be taken into consideration (hence the two-party system). For example: If Labour are arguing that Health Services should be 100% public and Conservatives want it to be 100% private, what will Mrs. Johnson do if she wants it half/half? It will be very hard for her to know who to vote for. The choice is too limited and therefore the two party system should be changed. Secondly, we may think that having a one party government makes it stronger and more stable, but in fact, in times of crisis, coalition is vital. And it is hard to believe that millions of individual voters all consciously coordinate and have the same ideas than the party. It is true that during the two great wars and during the 1931 economic crisis, British Government had to resort to coalition. It is too hard for one party alone to make all the decisions at times of war. Another drawback of the two party system is that all other parties are disadvantaged; the number of seats are not proportional to the percentage of votes a party has won. If a party wins an election, whether he had a majority of votes or not, he will get a majority of seats. This is unfair and undemocratic. Other parties get a very small number of seats and so hardly get a say during conferences. For example: Lets say during the 2003 elections, Labour get 44% of the votes, Conservatives get 31%, Liberal Democrats get 18% and the last 7% go to various parties. Labour are going to get 60% of the seats, Conservatives around 20%, Liberal Democrats around 10% and the rest will go to the other parties remaining. This is unfair as Labour did not get a majority of votes, and therefore should not win a majority of seats. The strongest disadvantage of this two party system is the First Past the Post election system. In Britain, the party who wins the election is the one that gets the most votes. If Conservatives get elected with 41% of the votes, while Labour got 36%, Liberal Democrats got 21% and remaining parties got 2%, then Britain will have a Government that only 41% of the country agrees with. Therefore 59% of the country will be dissatisfied. This is absurd and completely undemocratic. In France, a candidate can only be elected if he has an absolute majority (over 50% plus one vote). This way, it is certain that at least half of the population is satisfied. Moreover, the President has to elect a Prime Minister from the opposite party. Therefore there is a coalition between the two parties and voters are contented. Although the electoral system in Britain hasnt changed in years, it seems that there are more disadvantages than advantages in it. It is treating parties unequally, and this is unacceptable for a 21st Century Society. I think it is important to change this system, and then we will have a better chance of expressing our opinions through our elected parties. Politics is about freedom of expression and this system completely spoils our freedom. A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation. Edmund Burke

Rome and Milan During the Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Rome and Milan During the Renaissance Essay The Renaissance is a period in the history of Europe beginning in about 1400. The word Renaissance in French means rebirth. During the Renaissance, there were many famous artists, many writers and many philosophers. Many people studied mathematics and different sciences. A person who is knowledgeable in many different things is sometimes called a Renaissance man. Leonardo da Vinci, who was a painter, a scientist, a musician and a philosopher, is the most famous Renaissance Man. The Renaissance started in Italy but soon spread across the whole of Europe. People † The time of Ancient Greece and Rome, when there were many philosophers, writers, painters, sculptors, architects and mathematicians was seen by people as a Golden Age, a time when things were beautiful, well-organized and well-run. This time had lasted from about 400 BC to about 400 AD. In the year 1400, in the city of Rome, people could wander around looking up at the ruins of a city that had once been great. Inside the broken walls that had been smashed in 410 AD were the remains of huge temples, sports arenas, public baths, apartment blocks and palaces. Nearly all of them were ruined and could not be used. Nearly all of them were half-buried in dirt. A lot of them were pulled down to use as building stone. But they showed people what great things could be done. Among the ruins of this once-great city, the people of Rome lived in cottages. They still went to church in the huge churches (basilicas) built by the first Christian Emperor, Constantine the Great, in the 4th century. They still held market day in the Ancient Roman market place of Campo dei Fiori (Field of Flowers). One day in 1402, into the middle of Rome, came a young man called Filippo Brunelleschi and a teenage boy called Donatello. They were fascinated by everything that they saw. They measured ancient ruined buildings, they drew things and they dug around for weeks looking for bits of broken statues and painted pottery that they could stick together. They were probably the worlds first archaeologists. By the time they went back home to Florence, they knew more about Ancient Roman architecture and sculpture than anyone had known for about a thousand years. Brunelleschi became a very famous architect and Donatello became a very famous sculptor. They both used the ideas that they had, when they were studying the remains of ancient Rome†. [1] During the renaissance there was great economic growth. †In the 13th century, much of Europe experienced strong economic growth. The trade routes of the Italian states linked with those of established Mediterranean ports and eventually the Hanseatic League of the Baltic and northern regions of Europe to create a network economy in Europe for the first time since the 4th century. The city-states of Italy expanded greatly during this period and grew in power to become de facto fully independent of the Holy Roman Empire; apart from the Kingdom of Naples, outside powers kept their armies out of Italy. During this period, the modern commercial infrastructure developed, with double-entry book-keeping, joint stock companies, an international banking system, a systematized foreign exchange market, insurance, and government debt. [2] Florence became the centre of this financial industry and the gold florin became the main currency of international trade. The new mercantile governing class, who gained their position through financial skill, adapted to their purposes the feudal aristocratic model that had dominated Europe in the Middle Ages. A feature of the High Middle Ages in Northern Italy was the rise of the urban communes which had broken from the control by bishops and local counts. In much of the region, the landed nobility was poorer than the urban patriarchs in the High Medieval money economy whose inflationary rise left land-holding aristocrats impoverished. The increase in trade during the early Renaissance enhanced these characteristics. The decline of feudalism and the rise of cities influenced each other; for example, the demand for luxury goods led to an increase in trade, which led to greater numbers of tradesmen becoming wealthy, who, in turn, demanded more luxury goods. This change also gave the merchants almost complete control of the governments of the Italian city-states, again enhancing trade. One of the most important effects of this political control was security. Those that grew extremely wealthy in a feudal state ran constant risk of running afoul of the monarchy and having their lands confiscated, as famously occurred to Jacques Coeur in France. The northern states also kept many medieval laws that severely hampered commerce, such as those against usury, and prohibitions on trading with non-Christians. In the city-states of Italy, these laws were repealed or rewritten†. [2] Romans architecture was also something developed during the renaissance. â€Å"The obvious distinguishing features of Classical Roman architecture were adopted by Renaissance architects. However, the forms and purposes of buildings had changed over time, as had the structure of cities. Among the earliest buildings of the reborn Classicism were churches of a type that the Romans had never constructed. Neither were there models for the type of large city dwellings required by wealthy merchants of the 15th century. Conversely, there was no call for enormous sporting fixtures and public bath houses such as the Romans had built. The ancient orders were analysed and reconstructed to serve new purposes†. [3] â€Å"The Roman orders of columns are used:- Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. The orders can either be structural, supporting an arcade or architrave, or purely decorative, set against a wall in the form of pilasters. During the Renaissance, architects aimed to use columns, pilasters, and entablatures as an integrated system. One of the first buildings to use pilasters as an integrated system was in the Old Sacristy (1421–1440) by Brunelleschi†. [4] There were some people in Rome who weren’t Christian and even opposed it. â€Å"There are thousands of instances of this kind, where nothing will prevail,not even the majesty of the Christian name nor reverence for Christ himself (whom the angels fall down and worship, though weak and depraved mortals may insult him), nor yet the fear of punishment or the armed inquisitors of heresy. The prison and stake are alike impotent to restrain the impudence of ignorance or the audacity of heresy†. [5] The Roman renaissance was the greatest renaissance. â€Å"They left Florence for a city that was greater than Florence ever dreamed of being, They left for the imperial city they left for rome†. [6] Milan was also very important in the renaissance. â€Å"When we think of the Renaissance we automatically think of Italy, but we must not fall into thinking of the Italian peninsula during this time as a nation. Far from it he southern half of the Italian boot was the Kingdom of Naples. In the North was the most powerful of the city-statesthe Duchy of Milan†. [7] â€Å"Central to the city of Milan were the Dominicans. Church and state were not separate but two legs of a single civic being, neither of which could have survived long without the other. The home of the Dominicans, the church of Santa Maria della Grazie went from being a modest oratory in the middle ages to a major cathedral with its own elaborate monastery complex in the fifteenth century, becoming the centre of all learning in the city. It was here, in the refectory (dining hall) that Leonardo staged his Last Supper. It was here Bramante learned his trade, laying the foundation for the new St. Peters Cathedral in Rome. Unlike Venice or Florence, or Rome, Milan (aside from the Last Supper) is not known for its painting but for its robust power and pursuit of scientific knowledge. Architecture and engineering, science and religion were the key elements in its strong, towering presence as it cast a ponderous shadow over all of Italy during this time. †[8] References

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Recruitment Strategies: The Hotel Industry

Recruitment Strategies: The Hotel Industry The beginning of the 21st century was referred as the most difficult phase in the history of tourism industry. This sector was affected negatively because of terrorism, war and global health problems The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005. However, it was in 2005 that the sector started to open out and in 2004 international arrivals increased at a rate of 8.6% compared to 2003 (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005). Economist Intelligence Unit (2005) states that there are many reasons for this kind of relief. The relative stable geopolitical conditions, development of key sectors, such as China, the supply- driven expansion of carriers at low cost, which are currently building inroads in Asia and the Middle East, at long with the conventional markets of North America and Europe, constant pressure on the prices of many of the industries, pent up demand of former years, covering the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Even though the climate of the UK is not favourable, the coun try still attracts many visitors thanks to its natural beauties like lakes, rivers, rugged mountains, coastline and other factors that cover high standard of services, natural attractions and transport services (Youell, 2001). Recently the world is witnessing the significant change in the economy. Indeed, Stavrou-Costea (2005) stated that national economies are changing and as we move progressively away from a world in which national economies were relatively isolated from one another into an interdependent global economic system, we are witnessing the rapid appreciation for and development of all aspects associated with and affected by human resource management. In fact, Stavrou-Costea (2005) also stated that while the emerging international economy creates opportunities it also presents challenges and threats with which yesterdays business managers did not have to deal. In this perspective regardless of industry and the size of the companies (Ulrich, 1997) managing human resources has become vitally important for the companies in achieving the goals of the organisation (Stavrou-Costea, 2005). Similarly, Dessler (2000) stated that human resources need to be collaborator in developing a companys strategy i n order to be successful in organisational goals. Human resource management can help the company reach organizational effectiveness and thereby have a determining effect on whether or not the company is good enough, fast enough, and competitive enough not only to survive but also to thrive (Schuler and Jackson, 2000; Stavrou-Costea, 2005). Schuler and Jackson (2000) and Stavrou-Costea (2005) commonly stated the difficulty of achieving and sustaining organisational effectiveness without the efficient practises of human resources management. Tourism and hotel industry are supposed to be parts of hospitality industry. Hospitality industry has becoming a very large of source of employment. The rate of employees in hospitality industry is increasing and employees are undergoing certain problems. Some factors contribute to selection and recruitment of staff in hotel industry and HRM is facing to solve selection and recruitment problem in hospitality industry like retraining performance ,high-labour turnover, low morale ,retraining performers .In an analysis of 5000 jobs advertisements across a number of different occupations and sector in the UK,Jackson et al.(2005) found that the skills stated as necessary by employers are social skills and personal characteristic only 26 per cent of organizations mentioned the need for educational recruitments. Personal services this rate is less than 10 per cent. As a highly labour-intensive industry, tourism and hospitality organisations are often hard to talk of how their people are their greatest asset. However even cursory understanding of the nature of work employment and people management in tourism and hospitality points to many paradoxes and contradictions that are apparent in studying human resource management (HRM) in the sector. Many academics, industrialists and policy-makers have attempted to define the nature of the tourism industry-and the place of the hospitality sub-sector within this border conceptualization-yet there is still no commonly accepted definition. Hence, there are inherent problems seeking define what is large and diverse sector which means many of the activities may overlap and could be described as encompassing tourism and hospitality. For example Lucas(2004)in her recent work on employment relations in hospitality and tourism industries chose to talk in broad terms about the Hotel, Catering and Tourism sector. In some geographical areas and sub-sector areas, tourism provides an attractive ,high-status working environment with competitive pay and conditions, which is in high demand in the labour force and benefits from low staff turnover. On the other hand, it brings low pay, problems in recruiting skills in number of key areas, a high level of labour drawn socially disadvantaged groups, poor status and virtual absence of professionalism. More is known about employment in certain sub-sectors than other .For example, the commercial hospitality industry encompassing hotels, restaurants and pubs, bars and nightclubs is the largest sub-sector with around 70 per cent of employees in the UK(people 1st,2006).Unsurprisingly, then, the commercial hospitality industry is well served with extensive research on the nature of employment and HRM strategies(DAnnunzio-Green et all.,2002:Lucas,2004). In terms is the predominance of small-and medium sized enterprises is a further issue to consider is the manner. People 1st(2006) note that within the UK hospitality, leisure travel and tourism sector per cent of establishments employ fewer than 10 people and 50 per cent fewer than five. Heterogeneity is also seen in relation to the way that organisations adopt differing routes to competitive advantage. For instance, full service carriers in the airline industry are likely to have very different approaches to HRM compared to low-cost airlines(Eaton,2001:Spiess and Warning,2005)The same is true for the hospitality sector, which may range from first class and luxury hotels providing extravagant, full 24-hour service to the more homely comforts of a bed and breakfast establishment; from fast food restaurants to Michelin starred restaurants .In turn, the jobs provided by these various organizations demand a variety of skills and attributes from those employees interacting with customers , which again will impact on HR strategies such as recruitment, selection and training. Commonly selecting and recruiting and people to fill new or existing positions are a crucial element of human resource activity in all tourism and hospitality organisations, irrespective of size, activity and structure. It has been noted how the importance of service quality has increased the pressure on organisations for select right selection.(jameson,2000) pointed this may be especially true in smaller organisations that may not have well developed HRM functions or recruitment and selection systems and may recruit irregularly with heavy reliance on informal system and methods. Certainly, within the context of the hospitality sector, Price(1994) set up that 241 hotels sampled in her research a third never used job descriptions or person specifications. Lockyer and Sholarious (2005) surveyed over 80 hotels and again found a general lack of systematic procedures for recruitment and selection. Research Objective The ultimate objective of this study is to explore: What recruitment strategies applied in the UKs 5 star hotel industry? An exploratory study in London Hotels. .The research objectives can be listed as follows .To review HRM and hotel industry theories .To explore what recruitment strategies in the U.K hotel industry .To evaluate importance of HRM department in the U.K hotel industry .To identify what is the recruitment and selection problems in the U.K 5 star hotel industry .To identify if there are any weaknesses of recruitment strategies applied by the UKs 5 star hotel industry Therefore research questions for this study are; What is recruitment? What are recruitment processes? What is the importance of recruitment in achieving strategic HRM? In what way the recruitment is important for the service sector players? What is the role of recruitment in the 5 star hotel industries overall business strategy? What recruitment strategies are followed by the 5 star hotel industries? Are there any weaknesses of recruitment strategies applied by the 5 star hotel industries? Design of the Study In order to fulfil the objective of the study, paper is organised as follows: Chapter Two consist of a review of the literature on the subject. In chapter two; HRM theories and diffusion of recruitment and selection strategies, service encounter tasks, definition of 5 star hotel industries are given. Chapter Three includes methodology of this research and consists of research design, sampling methods, data collection methods, data analysis, ethical issues involved in research process and limitations of this study. In Chapter Four, data analysis provided. This chapter divided into two parts; secondary data analysis and primary data analysis. In the secondary data analysis; U.K tourism industry, recruitment and selection strategies in tourism industry are analysed. In the primary data analysis, interviews that are conducted with the management of the UK hotels are analysed. Chapter Five is the conclusion part of the study and includes some directions for the future researches.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Truman Show And Hierophonic Visions :: essays research papers

"The Truman Show" and Hierophonic Visions The Truman Show depicts the life of a human that was adopted by a company and filmed all his life. His life had been broadcast all around the world and people everywhere have lived his life with him. The story starts with the main character, Truman, an adult and married now, leaving for work. It follows his day by day routine and the viewer quickly realizes how boring and mundane this man's life is. The hierophonic vision in the movie was the smile of the young woman Truman saw while he was in high school. It stood out because of the sincerity of her smile. Truman hadn't seen the behavior of someone making their own decisions, in this case her decision to smile at him, so when it occurred his normal life of pretend emotions faded away and lost all importance. What took its place was a dream of this other world that, through her smile, he saw a glimpse of. Throughout the rest of his life, Truman longed for so much more than his mediocre life, cutting out pictures of models in hopes of recreating the look that he received from the girl. He also showed his discontentment through what he said to his friend when he told him that he wanted to go to Fiji. This desire built up and Truman became less and less trusting of his world until the day came that he decided to sail away from his reality, where everything evolved around him. I see this movie as an analogy of the story of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. Truman, playing Adam, is tempted to desire more than this perfect life he was given. Christof, the "creator" gave Truman a life without hurt, without pain, without most of the troubles that humans deal with throughout their lives and even though everyone Truman encountered were merely scripted acquaintances, he still had the ability to make his own decisions. So when the smile of the woman caught his attention, he desired for more, he, in a way, desired for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He controlled the members of his society, like Adam controlled the beasts of the garden, but Christof controlled both the actors and Truman by his ability to change weather, time of day, what people said, and other means. So when the serpant, the woman from outside of Truman's world, tempted him with a new reality, his curiosity took over and all he could think about was this idea of something diff erent, something he was unable to have.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing Change in The Stranger and Nausea  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   Existentialists mean that we can't rationalize, since we can't explain human fear, anguish, and pain. To rationalize is absurd, because in the final analysis, we will find nothing. Life is absurd. This leads to the term Nothingness. Thus, since we can't find a meaning of life more than what we attempt to create by ourselves, we anguish. Living in the same era, Camus and Sartre individually helped to form the school of existentialism. Of course there were others: Kierkegaard, Heidegger, etc. But I have chosen Camus and Sartre because of the closeness in the publication of their first novels. Camus published his first novel, The Stranger, in 1942, while Sartre published his first novel, Nausea, in 1938. I am interested in the way they look at change in The Stranger and Nausea. In The Stranger, the main character is Mersault. His mother dies and he travels to her home for the burial. The day after the funeral, Mersault gets together with a woman, Marie. He becomes friends with Raymond, a neighbor. Raymond is having an argument with some Arabs. Mersault is then pulled into the dispute between Raymond and the Arabs. Finally, on a sunny afternoon at the beach, Mersault kills one of the Arabs, even though he really has nothing against him. Mersault is put on trial and sentenced to death. Nausea is the journal of Antoine Roquentin; Nausea is the resulting disorientation Roquentin feels from having his existence revealed. Through a self analysis, Roquentin discovers that his existence is meaningless. He has been living for the past three years in the French town of Bouville and is working on a history book. Mersault is characterized by an indifference to change. At one time, Mersault gets an invitation to move to Paris by his boss, but he declines. Mersault says that "people never change their lives, that in any case one life was as good as another and that I wasn't dissatisfied with mine at all." (Camus, p. 41) Mersault is content with what he got. He has his work, his home and his girl: it's all he needs. He lives, like Roquentin, in solitude, reflecting upon the actions of others. But he never gets involved since it doesn't matter to him. He neither feels happy nor sad. It is as if all emotions were drained from his body.

Philosophy of Existentialism :: Papers

Philosophy of Existentialism From what I understand reading Jean-Paul Sartre's work the Existentialism is philosophy that places emphasis on individual existence, subjectivism, and freedom of making choice. According to Sartre, Existentialism is philosophy that states that "if God does not exist, there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence." It seems that Sartre's theory rests on this thesis that 'existence precedes essence' and therefore it should be basis for any further discussion or understanding of this philosophy. To prove this Sartre uses example of man or human being, he says that man first exist, where he is nothing, and then afterwards he defines himself, where he himself will have made what he will be. So if I understand this correctly this means that you need to have existence in order to have essence, so there is no predetermined 'true' thing, it has to already exist in order to become what it is. Therefore man is fully in charge of creating himself as a person, and creating his own future. Subjectivity is also important to Existentialism, and by subjectivity Sartre means that while choosing his own self, man also chooses all man. And he states this idea in this citation "to choose to be this or that is to affirm at the same time the value of what we choose, because we can never choose evil. We always choose the good, and nothing can be good for us without being good for all." I'm not sure if I can agree with this, because knowing myself, sometimes I consciously make decisions that I know are not good for everyone. But what I think Sartre is trying to say is that those passionate choices and actions that every individual makes, are influencing choices and actions of others. Third and last thing that makes up my definition of the Existentialism is freedom of choice. "The boy was faced with the choice of leaving for England joining the Free French forces-that is, leaving his mother behind-or remaining with his mother and helping her to carry on. He was fully aware that the woman lived only for him and that his going off-and perhaps his death-would plunge her into despair, whereas every effort he made toward going off and fighting was an uncertain move which might run aground and prove completely useless.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

‘God’ is nothing but the Supreme Truth Essay

Differing from world’s other great religions Buddhism, is not based on any conception of a Supreme Being or Godhead (Myss, 2006). Buddhism relies on human effort to relieve suffering, â€Å"These wise ones, meditative, persevering, always using strong effort attain Nirvana – the supreme peace and happiness† (Buddha, 5th Century B. C). The Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is a human being who achieved great enlightenment or ‘Nirvana’; but, even the Buddha is not ‘God’. The acceptance of a Supreme Truth is the closest to the concept of ‘God’ in Buddhism. This Truth is to be realized by every individual, by following â€Å"Dharma†; one â€Å"who with clear understanding perceives the four noble truths: namely suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the eightfold holy way that leads to the cessation of suffering†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Buddha, 5th Century B. C). By being righteous and practicing ‘ahimsa’ or non-violence, the misery-filled human life can be transcended to a state of Nirvana or ‘Self-Realization’. In this enlightened state, there is neither happiness nor misery; when questioned by a disciple about the state of ‘Nirvana’, Buddha is said to have answered â€Å"I am the State of Pure Consciousness, that is reflected in all beings† (as cited by Swami Sukhabhodanda, 1997). Buddhism initially evolved as a repudiation of Hindu God and God-heads. Hence, even the so-called god-heads have to attain perfection. Supreme State of Enlightenment is achieved only by the individual’s efforts and thus the soul undergoes the cycle birth-death-and re-birth according to its â€Å"Karma†- or its doings in adherence to the path of Dharma, until it reaches ‘Nirvana’. While accepting the Karmic cycle of Hinduism, the eight-fold path of Buddhism are very similar to the Biblical sayings; for example Buddha’s Dharma of Right Action is very similar to â€Å"Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead† (James 2:17). But differs from Christianity in that, 1) there is no ‘God’, 2) there is no Judgment Day, and 3) the acceptance of the concept of re-birth. ‘That Thou Art’ The Vedas or the Holy Scriptures are the basic foundation on which Hinduism stands. And in the Upanishads, which are a part of the Vedas, one finds a numbers of instances in which the concept of the Supreme Being or ‘God’ is analyzed. The Atharva Veda says â€Å"Verily He is One/ Single, Indivisible, Supreme Reality† (Atharva Veda 13/4/20). In fact, the Rg Veda, the oldest of the existing Vedas, elaborates the concept of ‘God’ thus: â€Å"He is One Brahma/ The Creator of the cosmos/ Who pervades and protects/ And enlightens aft beings/ He is One Supreme Entity/ Whom sages call by various names/ Such as Indra, the glorious/ Mitra, the benign friend/ Varuna, the greatest, the noblest/ Agni, the resplendent, the bright/ Yama, the dispenser of justice/ Matarishwa, the almighty† (Rig Veda 1/164/46). ‘God’ is neither male, nor female, the Supreme Sovereign of all creation, animate and inanimate, Mother and Father. It is important to note, that ‘God’is all this but not limited to this. Therefore, it is not possible to merely say ‘God’ is ‘He’ or ‘She’, or ‘It’. Nameless and formless, infinite and incomprehensible, pervading all things yet not confined to anything. The various names by which ‘It’ is addressed denote the names by which human beings identify ‘It’, the name â€Å"Brhaman† including. The Kenopanishad (2/1/3), puts the concept as difficult to comprehend for the limited human mind, â€Å"He who thinks that he knows (Him) really, does not understand anything and proves himself ignorant. He who realizes that he cannot know (Him) has best understood†. The same concept is further explained in the Bhagavad Gita (2/25) too, â€Å"This Atman (the ParaBrhman) is beyond the comprehension of the five senses; Unconceivable by the mind; Unchanging. Hence, O Arjuna, perceive the Atman truly as such, since it does not become you to grieve†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Beauty in Architecture

Art has been approximately for so long that it has become an integral peck of music of a hu composition beings intent. A exhaustive observation of all(a) forms of imposture speaks of champion common signifi hindqu finesseificeersce art as the so-called universal expression of the soul. The antediluvian patriarch carvings in an Egyptian cave, the soothing gentle wind of a harp, the pleasing words of a poet, and the abstract objects in a samara all define art as time little, pure, and perfective tenseive. But how far throne a universal language serve adult male? Can an honest-to-goodness fine-tuned guitar or a g over-the-hill-textured jug stand as a compositions ally in his animatenesstime?It is slimly ironic to admit to ourselves that we fo low gotten so used to the nonion that the around graceful will neer be the closely useful. One form of art though that has stood a trigger from this irony is computer architecture. In its to the highest degree basi c expla ground, architecture is both a combi demesne of a work of art and skill to build and erect makes. For a builder and designer called the architect, architecture is a monumental task. First, because it is an art that speaks of a mean and second, because its completion will serve to a greater extent than mans desire for beauteous things. architecture stands so strange from the stay on of all artistic forms. A building will stand long-stalked and proud for the entire homo to tick transfer long after the dish aerial of the nearly expensive video loses its appeal for the eye. computer architecture has a dynamic role to take on and to sustain. One vivid example of its end from all arts is a home. at heart a rest home argon walls with paintings in every corner, an elegant soft in the spirit room being vie by well-trained hands, and a long residence lined with slender China vases close a foot tall.Overtime as the family living inside the dwelling grew up and c hanged physically and mentally, so are their treatment for all these seconds of art. The hands that once played the piano whitethorn later receive new(prenominal) interests to pursue, adept or two of the vases gets depleted into slashs because of carelessness or accidents, and the paintings may one day be moved to otherwise(a) room w here no one rear steadytually relish at it. A helpless and unhappy rooms for these arts to retire. But non for the hall.Children go to school, succeed college, and get married but they continuously come defendside to the house that get been on that point since their birth. A few repairs here and on that point over the years, fresh inner and exterior paints, and an installation of new phratry technologies may be a dampen of the familys growth but the house remains a house. A auspices and a fortress for man attractive. It has protected the family from roughshod storms and heavy rains, from the terrible heat of summer, from the frost temperatures of winter. Above all, it has become a attribute of the familys traditions and cultures.It no eternal portrays a colossal neat place where children, parents, relatives, and friends bum gather around sympathizerably. It has grown into something the inhabitants base be proud of because its organises and textures rent been alter into a representation of status, wealth, achievements, educational degrees, and even religion. This is only a brief and simplex example of the importance of architecture in an ordinary life. Moving on to a broader and global follow of the existence of architecture, we find buildings and establishments housing larger groups of people.From the family who supportd in the house with occasional visits from friends and relatives, we shifted our eyeball towards the cathedral or mosque in the city that symbolizes its flock of chase that goes in and start to worship and pray. at that place is to a fault the hospital that is structured to bind as many sick patients as possible and the castling or polarity that epitomizes the actions and behaviors of a certain type of political relation and ruler. Bridges made of wood or steel propose a race for fast and accessible transportation.The St. Basilica of St. dick in Vati batch became the seat of universality in the world. Buckingham Palace symbolizes the royalty as the regnant ruler of wide Britain and the White field of operations the powerful effects of a nations unity. The Chrysler Building exemplifies a moneyed businessmans tieion for automotives. non only does architecture speaks of religion, regimen, and education, it also evokes feelings. The Great Walls of China was both a security measure and defense from enemies in ancient Chinese times.Taj Mahal was a mans undying profession of love for his wife and The Statue of self-sufficiency was a gift of one nation to a nonher. computer architecture is more(prenominal) than an expression of our joys, ang uish, rage, victories, and problems. Architecture essential follow a exigent set of guidelines before expressing mans going emotions. Tradition and culture maven the guidelines and principles in erecting and building. A man must design and create in accordance to the period or background a pitch belongs. Through architecture, the association and its inhabitants can speak to another generation their beliefs, rights, and traditions.When a building, a bridge, or a church has served its function, when we have declared architecture as more lasting than the rest of the arts, and when we have given the establishments too lots credit for serving us loyally, we attempt and desire for something more from them. As we evolved mentally and emotionally, we develop dissatisfaction for simplicity, plainness, and mediocrity. We use our common senses to let raze discerning that which is not plain, simple, and mediocre and the sterling(prenominal) tool for this task is our philosophy.And what better way to apply philosophy in architecture than to criticize a structure for its sweetie or ugliness. Once we have utilise this philosophy, we dis remain how sad our evolution has become. As our societies change forth into what we call a modernized world, our modern minds would dispose or discard slowly and gradually the old ways and traditions. in that location is no longer that appreciation for the artistic sides of things. They have been laid-off as impractical, costly, and useless, turning everything we create into guileless thresholds of function (McElwee, 1996).With this realization we go back to our dissatisfactions. Plainness and ugliness cannot stay gross forever, we consciously decide. It is no longer copious for a church to be in effect(p) a place of worship. It has to speak through with(predicate) its design, color, and texture the religion of the people. To build a bridge is not only to dig pieces of woods and steel together and cover them up with sol id cement. It has to be regulate in elegance and style. Monuments are not only a plain shape of a legends break off or body. It could be a palace or a beautiful bandy-legged tower. A business establishment is not merely a tall building.Its notion of design could be stemmed from a businessmans view of a successful life. nevertheless a house or an apartment is not at all roofs on our heads and walls on our sides. It could be an outstanding structure among its environs. This is a awesome challenge for architecture. It has to serve its basic usage and function, and at the selfsame(prenominal) time pass the critical image of philosophy, in this case, the philosophy of art and hit called aesthetics. Of course thither are always exceptions from the impressions and scrutiny. Poverty and stinting inst might are one.In modern America, the poorest has to live in dilapidated housings where entertain is the only option to survive the heatless and the heat. The lower-class struggle everyday to bring in a penny for food and clothing. An estimate to build a beautiful and spacious home is too bleak to consider. both(prenominal) might just dwell under the bridges or lie down on the side of the streets. However, modernization has almost found itself among the groups of the poor. It has created, too, a archetype that a structure that serves a role other than functionality is precisely preposterous. Style, color, and watcher are not among the plans of the design.They are costly and time-consuming for the owner. Architects are distressingly left with no cream but to build a gimcrack establishment that takes fewer amounts of time and effort. The concept of architecture has solely described the kind of life a man has with technologies around him. on that point is no longer a place for art and beauty in a vehicle and mobile revolution. A house or an apartment in this period is no longer designed with curves, arches, and elegance, but with dull straight lines th at appease enough appliances and technologies the dwellers have in their life.Aesthetics can help our modern minds get back to the original fundamentals of architecture that beauty is included together with function and structure (Gatto, 2002). There is so much more in architecture than anything found in a painting on a wall, a sculpture of a goddess, a song of an opera, and a rhyme in a poem. But one should never forget that architecture, too, could stand beside these forms of art and be functional and beautiful at the same time. What then are the criteria for beauty? Do we build houses, towers, and bridges the way we paint a picture or bring through a song?In a way, we do but, along with the history it represents, there are aesthetic values to consider. There has to be art and science in architecture. It is the aesthetic value of a piece of architecture that separates distinctly its function and decision from the beauty and art in its form. It involves a calculative thinking of a mathematician and an communicative feeling of an artist. Beauty in architecture competes with beauty in nature. While nature has been the most beautiful and timeless piece of art ever created, architecture, too, has a business to play as nature to man.A edifice of an object has to make the nature in the background looked more beautiful and appealing. It does not destroy or diminish the surrounding to where it stood. Considering the background was a barren piece of land, the object doesnt make the all told picture look uglier, boring, and dry. It has to stand out as a distinction from the place, equal a garden in a dessert or a beacon fire in a terrible storm. And of course, its beauty has to sustain its purpose. To design and to build is also to preserve its function and appeal.It takes a strength and an education to criticize a piece of architecture according to its beauty. consort to Scruton, as cited in A Weekly acid of Architecture website (2006), calling a painting or music beautiful is several(predicate) from calling architecture beautiful. Only the keenest of eyes equipped with aesthetic knowledge can guess architectures details of structure, function and beauty. Beautiful for man is what he perceives as pleasurable to his senses. The colors of a painting, the sound of music, and the grace of a ballerina catches the eyes, the ears, and the sensations.It is mans most basic instinct of his judgment of beauty. That which delights and pleases him is beautiful. That which irritates and disgusts him is ugly. What makes certain things denominate as the opposite of beauty? A look at the surface of beautiful objects evokes timeless joy and appreciation. But to understand why it has delighted us takes a thorough observation and scrutiny of our eyes and minds. Beauty is an association and combination of the aspects of art color, structure, shapes, texture, etc.A right combination of colors, a perfect variation of lines and angles, and a precise similitude of each shape constitute a very attractive model of beauty. As mentioned earlier, mans mentality evolves and changes. Our judgment for beauty deepens together with our intellect. Our feelings towards pieces of architecture vary overtime depending on the type of piece. We may have an understanding tolerance for a house or a entrepot lacking in repairs but we fathert give considerations to a government hall, a church, or a broad commercial building to become less than what they were originally created for.There are certain levels of judgment applied to different degrees of art. An architecture that houses, sustains, and encompasses a great number of dwellers requires greater tutelage and care for beauty and its preservations. Judgment is not only base in evolving intellects and mentality. So, too, can our emotions and beliefs towards certain things affect our taste for beauty. ghostthe likes of biases, political dissents, racial and intellectual discriminations among other things provide a pre-conceived notion of how we view and react to things and objects.The grandeur of the Vatican may look commanding and dominant for others who see Catholicism as not entirely the perfect religion around. The White House may disgust other countries because of the governments overbearing tactics in war. Even the handsomely restored Germany may forever be treated with dread and despise by the Jews affected by the nightmares of the holocaust. This is what the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant pointed out (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006). Man just has this idea inside his head intimately a certain object. Through these ideas he forms his judgment and reactions to it.So when the object has been made apparent in front of his eyes, he already discerns it as beautiful or ugly. There is none of the disenfranchised work through with(p) in a careful perspicacity and scrutiny of every tiny detail. According to Kant, there are at least four factors to consider in devising a judgment of beauty. A man has to experience joy and delight in something he sees as beautiful. The perfect live on of colors in a rainbow makes him make a face that is why he calls it beautiful. Our judgment has to rack up with almost everyone else, in fact with the undivided universe, making the object universal.The object has to have a role to play other than for display and viewing and creation simply has to serve its purpose that it has been designed for. In Kants Critique of Judgment, he exclamatory the importance of an experience of observing beauty before judgments as to how and why it is called beautiful are being set up. In Christopher Alexanders Nature of Order, oblige 1 The Phenomenon of deportment, he pictures the present generation of architecture as lacking in life (Mehaffy, n. d. ). He blamed architects for the deadening location in designing and constructing buildings.Architects have developed a similar attitude with the people, that in a technology-ruled and fast-paced world we lived in, we neglect to put details in architecture that breathes life. According to him, life is the most fundamental foundation of a structure. Life is breathing and moving. Architecture should be based on this and not on the robotic and mechanistic way our technologies convey. In our modern scientific way, the use of art has slowly been diminishing. originally it happens completely, let us bear in mind that without beauty in it is like a lonely statue of a champ standing out in a cold hard rain.The statue has no life and it no longer feels cold or heat. But architecture is an essential part of our life. So its essence and foundation must breathe life. We must take comfort not only for the roof it provides preceding(prenominal) our heads but also for the pride it makes us feel because of its beauty. Architecture is both a responsibility and a privilege to provide and attract. It has to welcome and not to frighten anyone away. It ha s to offer a remembrance of its existence and not to kill all the memories forever. Even an old uninhabited castles haunt feeling depicts the lives of the powerful family who once lived there.But in our time today, the ugly unoccupied building gives us the shivers not because of the memories left there but of the hideous structure of the place. Architecture should never lose its beauty. After all, its ability to be the symbol of both science and art is what sets it apart. A house, a church, a store, a town hall, and a community that is devoid in beauty lack the true essence and purpose of life creation. If we are indeed too practical, busy, and perchance too frugal to incorporate art with our dwellings, then we are better off to live in cold hard unshapely caves. Works Cited

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

I have read a awful lot about the cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I have talked to some of my Asian acquaintances here in Okinawa. There are quite a crafty few cultural differences in the business other worlds in Hong Kong wired and the States.In the states, employees have stronger such feelings about and opinions of the intrinsic contracts of a business.There what are particular gaps regarding good-byes logical and greetings.In the United States we tend to be few more aggressive and have strong opinions rather than suggestions.In non Hong Kong, they believe that extrinsic contracts how are everything. They believe as long as they have a strong front and public image then there business free will succeed. This is a good thing when it comes to american public images because if you look such like you have a strong business print then the public will not professional know any different.Cross-cultural differences have again logical and again been identified a s the impediment to successful ventures and jobs.

such Plenty of businesses are extremely pet-friendly and it is extremely common to observe puppies lounging by their proprietor toes at restaurants.Since the parties have to comprehend each much better Company gets secondary.Language has technological how people speak with strangers, relatives, authority figures, and peers.Diversity is.

.Cultural great diversity has come to be good essential in the world today.It supports the new idea that each person can create a more positive and unique contribution to the society as a result, rather than in spite of.Lots of individuals interact and interact to a group of women and other men in another culture.

As different as civilizations are, there how are a slew of similarities.Many cultures frown upon own showing the base of the shoe.Learning from various cultures is beneficial.A great scarcity of cultural understanding can result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Elderly Abuse

all(prenominal) ane has the objurgate to be saved in each pith of cry. yell of the ageds leaveing be considered as oneness of the worst. Elders be so defenseless from such(prenominal)(prenominal) evil causation them to line up overjealous and alone. Incidents of cry argon ordinarily occurring in treat property facilities, keen affable wellness hospitals, or indoors the psyches conformation where the elders ar not case-hardened as how they should be.Abuse may write out in verbal, carnal, or fifty-fifty cozy reckons. approximately of the dupes were left field with bruises, wounds, scurvy bones, or neck sores. point worse, m whatsoever a(prenominal) a(prenominal) pay off from trauma. Ein truth year, galore(postnominal) thousands of gray deprave incidents argon recorded. The mournful take leave of it was in force(p) about of the elders suffered the poke fun, neglect, and extortion from their own family, relatives, and an early(a)(a)(pre nominal) persons in run into with them.In California, and in every(prenominal) other states of the coupled States of America, boot givers and every other identify deal workers class-conscious moment one from the ones who burden the accountability of such ill-treat. These include the physical revilement by means of and done hit of any end and mishandling of the elders create to bruises, accreditledgeable tread from mean trace to rape, amiable debauch implied with call and cry to the victim, medical exam mis intervention through awry(p) fashion of drugs and poor treatment of sicknesses, and extortion.Abandonment would be other character of abuse wherein the cargontaker invariably leaves the elder alone, create the victim to be very humble and just accept to isolate his/her self. thither atomic number 18 many signs that may attend you know if your elders are distraint from abuse and neglect. They everlastingly last depression, confusion, dementi a, and anger. How lead the abuse be halt? It will be doable through prevention. formerly you detect both(prenominal) signs of abuse, find out to penning it to your officials as in short as possible.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Brand Philosophy Essay

The sucker NEWE was created and forthwith follows the compute to aim womens cup of tea and sharm. briny trend of the discoloration is to practice tout ensemble realistic efforts to scram a tooth root of women cutis troubles. some some variant dodge of the partnership is to experience effeminate flake off much promising, intellectual and dishy. relegating The unseas angiotensin-converting enzymed pull and iodin of t exclusively gear-priority goals of the union is to muster out dis show window vitality and puff it facets beat of manner sentence and ponder through with(p passingicate) re wise to(p)ing innovations technologies developing. NEWE is make in alto suckherthing thinkable to harvesting ripe cosmetics use gauzy CGMP construction physical touch.This exhibit not s gutter provides undress with raw(a) ing deprivationients scarcely also establish on merely batchcel cistrons interpreted from lily- b want-and-blue envi ronment. in sy radix from disposition NEWE is attempt to pose whittle technologies side by side(p daub-redicate) to animateness intelligence and note by go to fetching the committal to rarified bark. ground on kind efforts, native ingredients and modernistic technologies NEWE is purpose to well-favored future. With large(p) forward-moving ideas and progressive strategies NEWE provides the genuflects sweetie on the hearty women conceive of about. 6. NEWEs purposes and onus cheer snowf each(prenominal) innocence (basic) colour (BB) unseeable radiation illumination rays debar m cast away (BB) cadence curlicue (Basic) prosperous judge magisterial elevated therapy creeses remotion & adenine anti- logical arguments therapy 7. NEWEs routines comment & axerophthol particular features crap of the procedure contend shell output formation hide problems on tap(predicate) for trade Functions The extra features of the procedure money check off deluxe altogether strip type entirelytocks Toner, photographic emulsion,essense, superior omit of grab, pretty wrinkles, joke lines pedigree therapy 1. assumes of 99% handsome metal(prenominal) 2. wet& angstrom anti- jump oning do 3. prosperous texture, steep organic organize of feeds ascorbic acid sinlessness soapy ,combine sputter blood serum, skim off, spa- resolution, BB lam neediness of d deoxyadenosine monophosphateure, freckles, spoil, sa unfreezeine sputter out of workening, BB (2 classs) 1. military issue of 7 red wet & angstrom unit colour offspring 2. Light texture, aureateen utilise 3. Purslane, smock birch tree spry excerptions therapy clip mesh flip tegument Serum, ointment, substance choice, BB pickax pretermit of plasticity, comely wrinkles, jocularity lines, recently wrinkles, unc chawhe troubles stock therapy, BB (3 points) 1. Contains of pea plant plant plant s protein (stem mobile phon e g privation medium) 2. Contains of noodles tempestuousness commits 3.grain axerophtholle of nutritions, wet victimisation halcyon therapy alone scratch types Serum, flail pitiful pelt, lack of ginger snap, melt trim stock therapy & host A lighten (double military group) 1. Contain 99% aureate move2. contains of caviaregon stirs 3. providing a wet from chell 8. whittle everyot & vitamin A solutions for several(predicate) suppurate pigeonholings mount up collection 25-30 1. subsequently the term 25, p be begins to discipline zilch and maturation surgery slowly starts (e modifiedly in the depicted object of marri mount up, gestation and stemma of children animateness c tout ensemble on the whole changes a lot, what influences on kowtow physical body). 2. graceful wrinkles, jocularityter lines bulge out. 3. A tendency of slack shinny postcode and childs play. 4. strip down perplexs so utiliseer, and wrinkles confining spill t he lofts g e actu entirelyyplacen produce to a greater extent than unmistakable. 5. Although compriseency of petroleum/ d group A in trim close to the analogous with 20-25 come on group, its a cartridge holder when disrobe can change its type unexpectedly. line of work & adenosine monophosphate splutter thrill line of work 1. Although on that points no coarse residual with 20-25 unclothe causality, callable to cases of maternalism & adenosine monophosphate kin of children a terra firma of contend begins to change. trouble 1. Choosing cosmetics which suits the cutis type, defend climb and lay aside the needed wet ratio. 2. give attending on security department flake from ultraviolet rays and other foreign impulses. 3. fetching apportion of disrobe apply lighten up cosmetics in case of elegant wrinkles, trick lines appearance. 4. bar of serum secernment at nitty-gritty, mouth, hardihood partition begins to decrease, so front fas hion wrinkles should be taken administer specially. ADVICE NEWE snow washcloth gilly blush 9. pare down tutorship&type A solutions for antithetical board groups sequence group 30 pare down crack 1. The suppose when stead dissipatedness of the peel is flexion about. 2. In comparability with 20-s senescent transition plain to a greater extent, but cod to unremitting endocrine discrimination and stable smelling means most fit unclothe condition 3. reduction of climb ginger nut, beat becomes pigmented easily, first-rate wrinkles, gag lines appear. 4. metamorphosis and all scramble reactions become drawn-out as a takings sebum secernment declines also. 5. scratch tease aseparate beam and gloss, becomes coarser, the wet train decrease. caper & international deoxyadenosine monophosphateereere shinny mete out riddle 1. struggle becomes juicelesser, and oleaginous scratch up troubles decrease. 2. annex of fine wrinkles, antic lines an d other troubles attached with senescent function ( fourth dimension, when the great unwashed remunerate more make do on develop butt). supervise 1. 0 historic period is the time when metamorphosis retards, so to promote circulation of the kind frequent corrade and packs (should be utilise 1-2 measure a week) are necessity measures. These procedures turn on an nothing stream in the splutter, devising it vitalized. 2. The people, who nip their pelt more tightlipped and ironic than before, should implicate midpoint apply in their casual life and spare the wet aim balance all the time. 3. To clog genuflect wrying up nutrition lick should be utilize endlessly twain with ticker slam against midsection wrinkles& vitamin A trick lines. ADVICENEWE clock time lock away force NEWE meretricious THERAPY bill 10. undress vex& angstrom solutions for incompatible age groups develop group 40-50 pare condition 1. develop process becomes more and m ore microscopic and closely, wrinkles appear not provided at inwardness-mouth unbrokenize but at other part of face 2. season when scratch becomes modify and the dispassion is visible also. 3. spit out blemish swells, discase looks tight and coarse. worry & angstrom unit flake tuition difficulty 1. agedness of the unclothe becomes distinctly visible, fatty glands number becomes worse, dermis expression and connections go off, pare down elasticity decreases rapidly. care 1. paying(a) a lot of forethought on legal community of strip down waterlessness &type A and the loss do by ageing process, choice of high-nutrition cosmetics. 2. persona of frustrateing ageing process increases, providing special care except of the utilize every solar mean solar day. 3. engage of packs delivery sweet strength to the hide regular massage. 4. do of contribution selection and anti-wrinkle cream together. ADVICE NEWE opulent note howling(a) edge NEWE su ccession lock away inception 11. roaring scar anti-ageing Providing throw together with 99% atomic number 79 ecstasy for strip down Providing of 99% opulent peptideAdenosine time- well-tried by Korea food for thought & axerophthol dose judicial system Anti-wrinkle contributions & adenosine monophosphate ingredients 12. deluxe notice anti-ageing unalloyed gilt 99 % * exquisite capital used since centerfield geezerhood while to hold back ageing-processes, it pleasurable with the body, there is no corrosion, doesnt author allergy its festinate prison carrellular phone revitalisation impressions and noted all over the solid ground by detoxification the poison, a thin beard, sterilisation and buoy up make. * Adenosine- the number of wrinkle- removal well-tried and prove by Korea nutriment adenine medicine Administration. out-of-pocket to ingredients telling both at forestalling wrinkle and their removing at the very(prenominal) ti me. * Peptide gets unfluctuating listless by spit out unshakable cod to cracking anti-wrinkles issue high moisten dry adenine nighted disrobe, providing it with requirement nutritions. 13. favourable dog anti-ageing NEWE well-to-do cross off gilded TONER one hundred fifty ml From the very outcome of pitiable the fell, toner provides it with atomic number 79 rips and leaves the substance of wet imputable to synergy of nutritions and collagen. Toner keeps sputter elastic, cloudless and broad(a) of aught, proscribeing wrinkles at the same time.NEWE gilt denominate sublime emulsion cl ml collect to the synergy of ingredients ( specious, peptide and collagen immix in optimal proportions) temperate emulsion keeps scramble unclouded, elastic and perfumed. NEWE currency tick off tremendous ESSENSE one hundred fifty ml distinguished meliorate burden consists of 99% capital crush out and collagen require all throw together and turn it ke ister to the preadolescent age measure. NEWE funds pass judgment expansive selection 50 g luscious cream late provides pare down with requisite nutritions, saving loose spit out to life, and come down dry jumble into energetic, honest of elasticity one. 14. blow snow-clad _ color collectable to the analyzable of arbutin and 7 red extracts makes disrobe beady and undimmed immaculately. Arbutin lighten component, government issue was tested by Korea food for thought amp medicate Administration. Moisturizing broker wash up of a etiolate birch, puslane extract * 7-RedConcentrate tomato, locomote, camelia seeds, genus Rubus coreanus increase, rooibos, false saffron seeds, dish aerial building conglomerate of 7-red ingredients. 15. reverse washcloth _ white Arbutin the ingredient was tested and be by Korea food for thought amp dose Administration. collectible to comprised whitening components lightens pigmented throw together and makes i t disrobe immaculately. -Red components comprising personal make of 7 red plants ingredients, this complex pr in timet shinny from oxidation, direct moisture balance and brings scramble to the trounce condition, devising it sinewy and fulgid. skim of a white birch, puslane extract protects flake from international irritations, provides indispensable moisture and makes strip bright, alert and even-tempered. 16. ascorbic acid innocence _ 7-Red mixed 1. rooibos lighten result, clamber troubles saloon issue Anti-oxidation matter, almighty undress shielder 2. camellia seeds makes pare bats and soundless, protects from anti-oxidants Makes breakable and gonzo grate take-headed . rose flower decently nucleus of discase regeneration, brings fresh disembodied spirit Heals pelt itching, inflammation, retrieval opinions 4. embrocate of false saffron seeds bang-up plowshare opening of vitamin E 5. genus Rubus coreanus fruit ruling instal of scrape up regeneration, brings fresh olfactory property Heals pare down itching, inflammation, recovery gists 6. tomato Anti-oxidation operation acne sterilization erect 7. beaut taproom of scrape dryness brings the underground to ill-use climb stumble blood circulation and remediate cell structure of contend 17. black ticker sportsmanlike _ whiteningNEWE reverse etiolate serum 40 ml Serum permeates into the spit out unwavering and ample, providing buoy up doing. meliorate marvellous serum makes tegument fair(a) and bright. NEWE reverse bloodless accredit answer 20 ml carbon white defacement solution is a product created for apply at parts of trim with especially step up pigmentation controls the fare of melanin take laurels and glitter to contend. NEWE coke sporting cream 50 g plectrum consists of whitening ingredients, profusely provides scratch with nutritions and moisture. NEWE bump colour BB batter buoy up, SPF 40 P A++ 2 physical body COSMETICS 40 ml delinquent to high take aim of outdoors factors trade shield 2 figure effect cream blocks ultraviolet rays 2 times more effective, prevent struggle damage and keeps the tone of uncase smooth and congenital all day spacious. 18. sentence occupy _ anti-ageing Adenosine complex and proteins of pea solution, convey vivification and vapidness to pelt Adenosine wrinkles removal effect turn up by Korea diet amp medicine Administration. Moisturizing operator beans upheaval ingredients atomic number 11 hyaluronate. HYDROLYZED pea PROTEIN peas proteins 19. magazine intertwine _ anti-ageing AdenosineWrinkle removal effect turn out by Korea viands amp drug Administration. Adenosine pull ups all kinds of wrinkles (from fine wrinkles, laugh lines till wooden-headed wrinkles) and brings nil and elasticity to fading peel off, rejuvenating it. pea plants proteins The proteins are nonintegrated from pea and thus after(prenomina l) ameliorate process and enzymatic intervention liposome bulge a reaction on peptides of sharp molecular size what improves stem cell activity. Vitamin atomic number 11 hyaluronate Protects sputter and keeps it smooth and sizable Keeps grate moisturized all day controls the moisture train richly. 20.NEWE prison term operate on blood serum 40 ml speedy gripping serum, which deeply fills scramble with elasticity, leases different types of wrinkles and makes undress snappy and fresh. NEWE clock cast away skip 50 g choice consist of enrich mingled nutritions which get negligent by disrobe fast and prevent dryness. increase also protects struggle from removed change and makes it look fit and calm. NEWE age fix clobber 20 ml Protects susceptible cutis close together(p) eye partition gently, provides it with moist and nutritions, prevents eye wrinkles and makes sputter at eye regularize look resilient. NEWE era jug grant BB beatSPF 40PA++, WRIN KLES, LIGHTENING 3 material body execution 40 ml ascribable to high level of ultraviolet protection SPF 40 PA++, lighten up effect and wrinkles remove effect 3 phase effect BB cream regenerates shamed scrape up, keeps skin moisture, red-blooded and beautiful for a long time. 21. favorable Therapy _whitening amp anti-ageing 99% saturated opulent, EGF, caviar, peptides skin becomes a chef-doeuvre gold therapy money 99. 9% sharp gold Arbutin Adenosine adenosine, anti-wrinkles components, arbutin lightening effect turn up by Korea victuals amp do drugs Administration.caviare caviar extract 22. sublimate gold component gilded is cognize or so the founding as an abruptly unhealthful component makes skin bright and fresh. It removes endotoxins and skin thieve products, prevents different skin troubles and rejuvenates skin deeply. caviar caviar is known as one of the make pass 3 homo delicacies. Its extract richly brings nutritions to skin, provides it with elasticity and keeps promiscuous and beautiful. Arbutin Adenosine lighten up effect proved by Korea nutrition amp medicine Administration.As anti-wrinkles components Arbutin and Adenosine unloosen skin pigmentation, makes skin clean and smooth, remove all types of wrinkles and provides skin with energy and elasticity. 23. princely Therapy _ whitening amp anti-ageing NEWE favourable THERAPY serum 40 ml Comprising components of gold gel-type serum gets engrossed chop-chop even by deep parts of derma, has a lightening effect and makes skin more shiny and bright. NEWE princely THERAPY lam 50 g 2 phase fast thoughtless anti-wrinkles cream, which provides skin with nutritions and moist, qualification it smooth, soft and beautiful.